Book PEP
Book PEPs are planned for the very near future.
Goals are:
Goal 1: To share information and resources with parents/ citizens regarding the inappropriate books located in their child’s school library.
Goal 2: To encourage parents to advocate for change at their children’s schools by contacting principals, school board members and legislators.
*10-12 participants will be needed for each site. Sites will be at various locations throughout the county. Participants will be given the signs and materials needed for the PEP. All you need to do on PEP day is show up at the correct time and place. Our PEP will be like a 45 minute education flashmob event!
*Participants will need to view the training slides before participating.
**If you would like to be a book reviewer, contact us and we will connect you with the coordinator, training, and book(s),
Please contact us for more information.