Caldwell County Schools
This list of books show locations in Caldwell County Public School Libraries. These books have sexually inappropriate or confusing gender concepts or content. Some books may have violence or horror. No data base is available to determine whether classrooms may or may not contain these books. Therefore, we encourage citizens to inquire of teachers and administrators to verify they are not present or being used for instruction of any kind. Sora, Libby, Overdrive, Mackin, and other ebook sources used in schools are also not reflected in this list.We encourage citizens to speak out by contacting school board members and legislators. We do our best to keep all lists up to date. If you see a change that needs to be made, please contact us.
The Content Based Rating System was inspired by the widely accepted MPA rating system. This rating system is meant to be a quick guide for busy parents who want to know what objectionable material is found between a book's covers. While it is a great tool, it does not meet the standards needed for schools to use for evaluating materials for student use.

We are currently updating the Caldwell webpage. The info displayed is current as of 12/4/2024 but not complete.
Hibriten High
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie 3 copies Rated 2
Burnt by Ellen Hopkins Rated 3
Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas 2 copies. Rated 3
Fallout by Ellen Hopkins Rated 3
Glass by Ellen Hopkins Rated 3
House of Earth and Blood by Sarah Maas Rated 3
House of Sky and Breath by Sarah Maas. Rated 4
Queen of Shadows by Sarah Maas. Rated 3
Smoke by Ellen Hopkins. Rated 3
Throne of Glass by Sarah Maas Rated 2
Tower of Dawn by Sarah Maas. Rated 3
South Caldwell High
Beloved by Toni Morrison Rated 3
Burnt by Ellen Hopkins. Rated 3
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green 3 copies Rated 3
The Freedom Writers Diary (The Freedom Writers with Erin Gruwell) DVD
Glass by Ellen Hopkins. Rated 3
Impulse by Ellen Hopkins. Rated 3
West Caldwell High
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie 50+ copies Rated 2
Burned by Ellen Hopkins. Rated 3
Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. Rated 3
Glass by Ellen Hopkins. Rated 3
Impulse by Ellen Hopkins Rated 3
Rumble by Ellen Hopkins. Rated 3
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvate. Rated 3
Smoke by Ellen Hopkins. Rated 3
Gamewell Middle
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green 4 copies. Rated 3
The You I’ve Never Known by Ellen Hopkins
Granite Falls Middle
City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare. NR
Dear Martin by Nic Stone 2 copies. Rated 2
The Fault Lies in Our Stars by John Green. 11 copies. Rated 3
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvate Rated 3
Hudson Middle School
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green 3 copies. Rated 3
Lenoir Middle
Crown of Midnight by Sarah Maas. Rated 2
Heir of Fire by Sarah Maas. Rated 2
Queen of Shadows by Sarah Maas. Rated 3
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvate. Rated 3
Throne of Glass by Sarah Maas Rated 2
Dudley Shoals Elementary
None found
Gateway School
None found
Happy Valley School
None found
Hudson Elementary
None found
Lower Creek Elementary
None found
Valmead Elementary
None found